Friday 2 August 2013

Carbs: The Truth

Never before the world ( I'm exaggerating a bit) seen such a ridiculous diet trend as the "low-carb" phenomenon. Every restaurant, grocery store, and fast food chain caters to this utters nonsense. Even soda and beer companies have spent millions developing and marketing low-carb drinks. Everyone has jumped on the bandwagon, hoping to capitalize on the trend, weather it is healthy or not. Not.

Carbohydrates are compounds made up of carbon and oxygen, and they are vital for providing energy for our bodies and brains. without them, we would be comatose zombies. When we eat food, our bodies turn  the carbohydrates into glucose for immediate energy and the rest is stored as glycogen for reserves.

Yet all carbs are not created equal. They are two types: simple and complete. Simple carb suck and are as nutritionally beneficial as toilet paper. They are mostly made up of sugar, which releases too quickly, almost violently, into our bodies causing "sugar highs" and then "crashes". This tends to leave us feeling hungry, so we eat more. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates are compromised of starch and fiber and releases gradually, providing a steady source of energy.

...TBC... Iftar first (3:16am)

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